This summer has marked five years since we opened the Persephone Café. We are so grateful for all of the support we’ve received from near and far, and can’t wait to see where the next five years will take us.
In the spirit of appreciation and reflection, here is a list of notable stats to show just how far we’ve come!

Please join us on Thursday, September 13 from 4-6pm for an Anniversary Celebration, with festive birthday cupcakes and our favorite drink of the summer, the Ramona Spritz. We’ll be asking folks to write a Persephone love note on our old typewriter and will be giving away Coffee Coins, or you may be one of the lucky ones to pull a $50 Coin out of the basket.
If you can’t attend our little soirée, look out for news on how you can participate (and win) on social media.
Cheers to a wonderful 5 years!